Scope Of Loan Servicing Support Provided
Servicer’s duties include, but are not limited to:
- Collecting borrower's payments
- Disbursing payments to investor and underlying mortgages (if requested)
- Providing monthly borrower statements
- Tracking delinquencies and sending notice of default letters
- Compiling annual IRS 1098 forms for tax payments
- Compiling 1099 tax reports for seller/lender
Note: Servicer does not report borrower’s payment history to credit bureaus
Seller Financing Loan Servicing Onboarding Documents - Non Wrap
- Investor Information (Completed By Seller/Investor): Investor Information
- Disbursement Instructions Sheet (Completed By Seller/Investor): Disbursement-Instruction-Sheet
- Loan Servicing Agreement (Completed By Seller/Investor): Owner Financing Servicing-Agreement-S2-Professional-LLC
- One To Four Contract/Purchase Agreement (to include all amendments)
- Seller Finance Addendum
- HUD-1 Settlement Statement
- Promissory Note
- Deed of Trust
- Copy of Current Insurance Policy
- Copy of First Payment Letter Containing Mortgage Payment Breakdown to Borrower
- Copy of Current Underlying Mortgage Statement (For Wrap Around Closing Transactions)
- Loan Onboarding Setup fee: $100.00 (one-time fee)
- Monthly servicing fee (collecting from borrower and disbursing to seller): $25.00/Month
- If requested, the servicer can maintain a separate escrow account to make payments for property taxes and insurance for an additional $25 per month
- Late Charges Received: Split 50/50 Between Seller/Lender and Servicer
- ACH electronic payment processing for drafting of payment = $15/payment
Note (1): Servicer shall not be required to make distributions to Seller/Lender until the Buyer/Borrower’s monthly payment has been submitted, and the deposited amount has cleared the Buyer/Borrower’s bank account (no earlier than 3 business days after receipt). Servicer shall initiate the deposit of cleared funds received by Buyer/Borrower on Friday of each week.
Note (2): All third party services and expensed to be billed and paid by seller/investor. This includes any postage fees, attorney fees, courier fees, recording fees, etc.
All applicable documents mentioned above, to include the applicable onboarding set up fee, must be received in order to establish the servicing of your note. Upon receipt of all required documentation, both the seller/investor and the buyer/borrower will receive a Loan Servicing Introductory Kickoff Email once the account has been established.
I would be very interested in speaking or meeting with you to discuss how I can assist you in the areas of real estate, insurance, business consulting, or government contracting support. Feel free to either send me an email at [email protected], or call me at (210) 788-1034, and I would be more than glad to schedule a face to face meeting or phone conversation accordingly. I hope this helps, and I look forward to speaking with you soon!